Every administrator of exchange server happy with the GUI microsoft provided, but still command line is the best and efective way to get information from exchange.
We can scripting and automate the way we get information and dump it to a file as we like.
Come the Power Shell for exchange to the rescue. We can use Power Shell to query the exchange server to get any information we need which already provided.
Here we need to get the exchange user which using mobile device to access their inbox. The simple command are :
Then if we wan to get more granular result, we can pipe the result to another command.
With thePower Shell tools, administrator can have a time saver activity. Imagine if you need to search in 1 million of exchange user. Would you go to the Exchange GUI ? even if the GUI provide this kind of reporting.
Source of doc :
We can scripting and automate the way we get information and dump it to a file as we like.
Come the Power Shell for exchange to the rescue. We can use Power Shell to query the exchange server to get any information we need which already provided.
Here we need to get the exchange user which using mobile device to access their inbox. The simple command are :
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize:Unlimited | ForEach
{Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} | Where
{$_.LastSuccessSync -gt '2/15/2007'}
Then if we wan to get more granular result, we can pipe the result to another command.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize:Unlimited | ForEach
{Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} | Where
{$_.LastSuccessSync -gt '2/15/2007'} | Sort-Object -Property
DeviceType,Identity | Select-Object
| Export-Csv -Path:"C:\Temp\MobileDevices.csv"
With thePower Shell tools, administrator can have a time saver activity. Imagine if you need to search in 1 million of exchange user. Would you go to the Exchange GUI ? even if the GUI provide this kind of reporting.
Source of doc :