Mobil Mewah

Salah satu sumber Inspirasi.

Mobil Sport terbaik

Anda pasti bisa memilikinya.

Bermain dengan pesawat

Salah satu ide yang gila, Balapan di udara.

Bermain di angkasa

Apakah ini salah satu Goals dalam hidup anda? anda pasti bisa mencapainya

Friday, 14 November 2014

Centralized vs Decentralized application portfolio strategy

In managing IT startegy, especially Application portfolio, there are 2 management style which are Centralized and Decentralized in decision making. And for better understanding deeper about the 2 style, there are 4 type matrix for the strategy in detailed view using below matrix.

Source: John Ward and Joe Peppard, Strategic Planning for Information System p.336

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Highlight text in PDF

We all use pdf, because many documents also use pdf for their publishing formats. Even ebooks come with pdf, and sometimes when reading it, we need to jot down notes on it or highlight it as we used to with a books.

So with pdf, we can do highlight the important one, and even the original pdf still intanct. Here come the application that can do this. Xournal is a pdf highlight application, which create a new file to overlay the highlight of pdf. Even you can create your own version of pdf which already been highlihted.

PDF Highlight
Xournal run in Unix BSD, Linux, MacOS , and Windows with source code.

Visit their website xournal

Happy Highlight in PDF.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

IT Cost by Critical Success Factor perspective

In measuring IT cost, we can also use Critical success factor (CSF). This can be use to measure the startegic performance through IT which relate the CSF with the IT cost needed.

With this CSF, organization will have specific target and measurement within IT strategic investment decision.

IT Cost by Critical Success Factor matrix

IT Balance Scorecard perspective

When relate IT to cost, IT always relate to High Cost, especially in initial stage. We need to measure the value of the IT investment made by company related to company performance and metrics, especially understandable by business people.

We are IT people talk about technical performance, and Business people understand about money, reveneu, profit, and other financial measure. So there is gap between IT and business.

Coma the Balance Scorecard which can be use to communicate the IT value provided to business and relate its output with company financial performance like cost Vs revenue  in a balance sheet.

Balance scorecard have 4 perspective in the creation so the balance perspective provided within the scorecard. This is usefull to get a balance perspective with IT or non IT performance measurement.

4 basic question from many perspective in Balance Scorecard :

  1. How do customers see us? (Customers perspective)
  2. What must we excel at? (Internal perspective)
  3. Can we continue to improve and add value? (Innovation and learning perspective)
  4. How do we look to shareholders? (Financial perspective)

Balance Scorecard Perspective

Some example here is provided which relating IT cost with Financial performance indicator :

Relating Cost to the Balance Socreboard of an airline Example

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