Opensource is great as we can compile it from source by our self. it just a command to be used like configure , make and make install. You got your new software ready to use.
But sometimes when compiling, some errors can happend and the cause is the compiler is outdated, especially if you want to try new software, and the software constantly updated with new technology being used especially the complier.
So we must upgrade our complier like gcc which is the default compiler in linux world.
My experience also show error when compiling, when using Centos 6.x , the gcc still in version 4.4.7 .
We will update our gcc in centos 6.x by following these steps :
# yum install -y centos-release-scl # yum install -y devtoolset-3-toolchain # scl enable devtoolset-3 bash # gcc --version
With this you will got gcc 4.9.2 ready to use for compiling you source code.