On Erlang, there is no string data type, but its a list of strings. So different with other language.
Also some function return an atom, which usually we need to combine it with our string. For example was the need to generate an sql query from an input parameter and our hard coded string.
Let say we generate a year from erlang fun, then from that year, we generate the month and data.
To do this properly are :
{{Year,_,_},_} = calendar:universal_time(),
Y1 = io_lib:format("~p-01-01",[Year]),
Y2 = lists:flatten(Y1),
Y2 result will be "2018-06-18"
Hope this helps, as i look all around the google for this.
Also some function return an atom, which usually we need to combine it with our string. For example was the need to generate an sql query from an input parameter and our hard coded string.
Let say we generate a year from erlang fun, then from that year, we generate the month and data.
To do this properly are :
{{Year,_,_},_} = calendar:universal_time(),
Y1 = io_lib:format("~p-01-01",[Year]),
Y2 = lists:flatten(Y1),
Y2 result will be "2018-06-18"
Hope this helps, as i look all around the google for this.