Saturday, 28 May 2016

Upgrading Django-1-6 to 1-7 part 2

This is part 2 of upgrading Django-1.6 to Django-1.7 journey. For part 1 you can go Here.

First error was my application using a module that was deprecated since Django-1.6 which already give me warning to fix it, but i ignore it. And i remember that, so i remove it and update with other lib.
The lib i use was django.utils.simplejson.

from django.utils import simplejson 

I change it to using json lib.

import json

Next is the testing give a warning that i am using settings  from django-1.5 which should be updated. I found out it was the test runner should be stated in the So addition of the settings was added :

TEST_RUNNER = 'django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner'

Then test suite not give any warning message again, and the test all success.

Next is the django-debug-toolbar, i was using old version which are 1.0.1, and need to upgrade to django-debug-toolbar-1.4 because the import is giving error when using old version of django-debug-toolbar.

Next is the Django-compressor , i was using django-compressor-1.4 , and need to upgrade todjango-compressor-1.6.

And also change in HttpResponse , if you use mimetype , you should change it to content_type.

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(dataxx), mimetype='application/json')

Update to this :

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(dataxx), content_type='application/json')

And last one is the migration which already using south. If the app is newly developed and no db migration, no migration at all will give no problem. What if you have already migration in south running and deployed on the production, now you start develop using new django version, the migration will be need to use django build in migration. Well as in Django-1.7 migration already build in and use south,as the author said it will support on django-1.7.
Below is from south documentation.
This is the last major release of South, as migrations have been rolled into Django itself as part of the 1.7 release, and my efforts are now concentrated there. South will continue to receive security updates but no feature updates will be provided.
So for existing migration files, move the migrations folder to south_migrations, as django will use migrations folder for it migration. Then you need upgrade to south-1.0.2 which will first look in south_migrations directory, and fallback to migrations directory if not found.

And of course, south will not run on django-1.7.11. How we going to do with previous south migration created? we can still use django-1.6 with virtualenv, and run the south migration from there. But it is not recommended as in production will be to hard to maintain 2 virtualenv and also 2 migration in the long run. So when upgrade finish, better make django migration hold all the migration.

Next is in django model forms. You must specify the field you will include in the form creation. Django-1.7 give warning that it will removed in Django-1.8. So better clean up before next update will give you complete errors.

So hope my journey here will give other Djangonouts a heads up on the update bump you might encountered.


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