After upgrade my django to 1.7.11 , now the next version is 1.8.13.
So as usual i create a new virtualenv, with django-1.8.13 as the requirement, install the env with pip install.
The application affected which i use some are documented here.
- Error on django-compressor-1.6 library.
I try upgrade to django-compressor-2.0 and it fixed. - Django complain about south database module 'south.db.postgresql_psycopg2'. The warning tell to just remove south or using other supported database in south on SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTER settings.
As Django have the build in migration, i will remove south package from my installation settings, and also remove the package in my virtualenv, so the warning message go away. - Warning on appconf modules. we use django-appconf-0.6 which required by django-compressor.
The latest version is 1.0.1 , and after upgrade the warning is gone. - Django nose errors when running test. Need upgrade from django-nose-1.2 to django-nose-1.4.3
- Test using py.test got error because django test need using database access.
Upgrade the pytest-django-2.7.0 to pytest-django-2.9.0 will make test work again.
Thats all what i found when upgrading my django-1.7.11 to django-1.8.13 latest version.
Next will try to django-1.9.7 the latest version as now.
Hope this post help you Djangoers.
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