Saturday, 3 August 2013

Cassandra DB for High Availability

Cassandra DB
Cassandra DB Logo
I am looking for a database which will eliminate headache when the data growing and when need to scale the server. I want to be able do scaling Horizontal easily and with any size of physical server. Also want to have added capacity as I add new database node to the cluster. Is this possible with old school relational database like Oracle, MSSQL, MYSQL, PostgreSQL .

From my experience even using vendor supported database, the solution will be dump more money to your machine, which is add processor and bigger RAM. With increased data let say 4 years of working data, you will get performance hit when query data from your database. How much you can add to a physical machine.

I have testing some of database with the above mentioned options, like MonggoDB , CouchDB, Cassandra.
The one I have play with is MonggoDB which is easy to work , with javascript application like NodeJS , because the data output already in JSON, which common usage in javascript world.

I also test Cassandra, and quite need more effort to know because the concept is different, using Column value , as document database in MonggoDB.

What I need is a database that can easily to scale and can handle all the load when the demand are increasing. I tie the Database with REST API service as the backend interface to application. The Front End will be using Single App javascript using AngularJS.

With this, I separate the Data service with the front end. In the end the front end can be an mobile app consuming my REST API with Cassandra DB as persistence storage.

Later I will post my finding when using Cassandra DB as my notes here in development.


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