Monday, 5 August 2013

Windows Domain controller Demotion

I have a windows 2003 Domain controller. I have 3 of the DC from previous installation. Now I need to remove this domain, and I think need to do some clean up with proper way, cannot just shutdown the Domain controller. This is because the Domain Controller have child domain and it getting harder to remove.

I documenting the process in here for reference.

First in windows 2003 Domain we can have 5 role in 1 server or it called FSMO role. We need to check it belongs to which server and make sure it transfered correctly to other server before it will be the last server to remove.

First to check the role server have run this command :

c:\>netdom query / fsmo
Schema owner            

Domain role owner      

PDC role                     

RID pool manager        

Infrastructure owner     

Then we need to demote the server using dcpromo command.

  1. Run DCPromo
  2. Select if this server is the last domain controller in the domain
  3. Enter your administrator password
  4. Then wait until complete
  5. Restart the server
  6. Now server will be member of the domain if not the last domain controller
Then after complete, confirm again the domain FMSO using netdom if the role all transfered to other domain controller server.


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